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Chord SignatureX
Hand-made in the UK for a quarter of a century, Chord Company’s new SignatureX is its best version yet. Chord...
Chord Clearway Power
Following the rollout of several new signal-carrying cables in recent times, England’s Chord Company has applied its 37-year expertise to...
Chord ClearwayX ARAY
The new Chord ClearwayX ARAY Analogue RCA brings Chord’s XLPE technology to much more affordable price ranges. Chord Company, the...
Chord ChorAlloy
Chord Company’s ChorAlloy plating technology begins roll-out. The new multi-metal plating system provides an instant upgrade to a wide range...
Chord Company EpicX ARAY
Chord Company’s legendary Epic has been upgraded to the most epic Epic ever! Chord Company has upgraded an already Epic...
Chord PowerHAUS
Chord Company launches its first-ever power distribution devices – the PowerHAUS power strips bring Chord Company quality to entire systems....